WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Ballater Proposals Proposals BL/H1 i. This [BLUE 16.12Ha BLUE] site to the north east of Monaltrie Park provides an opportunity for housing [RED and mixed use RED] land for the longer term in Ballater and to ensure a planned approach to development. ii. The site has capacity for around 250 units, [RED with 90 dwellings envisaged during the life of the Plan. RED] The site has been the subject of an ‘Enquiry by Design’ (EbD) workshop run by the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment and involved the local community and other stakeholders. [RED The EbD process indicated a proposed layout for the development of the site incorporating a variety of densities and designs, and pockets of mixed uses to support the growth of sustainable communities, and this approach is supported. RED] [RED iii. In the development of the site, proposals must ensure that adequate provision is made for the existing park which is envisaged as forming a core part of the development, linking the existing settlement with the new development. The park plays an important role in the community and this must be protected and enhanced. The development of site must also provide adequate links to the school, and provides an opportunity to improve links to the Deeside Way. The design and layout of development must also respect the planned nature of Ballater, and the historic quality of its built environment. Key listed buildings and their settings affected by the development of the site must also be protected. An innovative approach to design and layout, including access and movement within the site, is encouraged. RED] iv. The National Park Authority will work with the community, developers, and the Prince’s Foundation, to ensure that a masterplan that reflects the community’s needs and the special character of Ballater is prepared for the site. [RED The development of this site presents an excellent opportunity to provide opportunities for large and small scale developers and builders to work together to bring forward the delivery of the proposal. This will be recognised in the masterplan. RED] v. Part of this site lies within SEPA’s indicative 1 in 200 year flood risk area. A detailed flood risk assessment will therefore be required to accompany any development proposals for this site. BL/ED1: The existing business units owned by Aberdeenshire Council will remain, with vacant space reserved for business uses. BL/ED2: This site is allocated for additional economic development opportunities. BL/ED3: The bus station between Golf Road and Viewfield Road will remain as a site for business use [RED or another use appropriate to a town centre, RED] should it be vacated by its current occupiers. BL/ED4 [RED The existing caravan and camping site provides continued support to the provision of tourism accommodation within Ballater and will be protected from adverse development. Where appropriate, enhancement opportunities will be supported. RED] BL/C1: The site of the old school is to be protected for community use and the provision of uses considered necessary by the local community. BL/Env: A number of open spaces [RED and land which contributes to the setting of Ballater are identified and RED] will be protected from [RED adverse RED] development. Image: Map of Ballater (Not available in full text format - please refer to PDF file) This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (c) Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Cairngorms National Park Authority 100040965 2008 (c)SNH. Legend Cairngorms National Park Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Special Area of Conservation Ramsar Convention Site National Nature Reserve Gardens & Designed Landscapes National Scenic Area Conservation Area Settlement Boundary Indicative Settlement Boundary Settlement Zone Type Community Economic Development Housing Environment Village Centre